We (like most accountants) charge for our time. In our case, we charge in ten-minute blocks. This means that most telephone calls to us are not recorded and consequently you, as a client, are not charged.
We do, as a rule, charge prospective clients for the initial meeting as we believe it is our existing, loyal clients who should get the benefit of free advice.
A range of fees that you can expect to be charged by us are:
- Rental Statements $700 to $1200
- Sole Trader $900 to $1800
- Company $1200 to $4000
- Trust $900 to $4500
The reason for the variance in fees is due to the variance in the time taken to complete the work. That can depend upon the number of taxation returns that have to be completed, the number of transactions involved, and to a very large degree, the completeness and accuracy of the records supplied to us. For entities holding shares offshore the Accounting fees can rise quite considerably as it is a very complicated part of taxation. Trusts from 2021 onwards have more onerous reporting requirements to Inland Revenue.
All clients, who have taxation to pay, are reminded by us at least two weeks before the due date of the tax owing. Approximately four newsletters are sent out every year keeping you up to date with the latest changes and giving you various tips and advice.
Where necessary we will use a Taxation Specialist Firms such as Carl Brandt or NSA Limited where we consider it will cost the client too much in our time to research a particular taxation situation they may have, or just to get a second confirmation. We also use a specialist foreign tax advisor for income earnt overseas and that may or may not be taxable in New Zealand.
This cost is passed onto our clients at the same amount we are charged by these firms.
Before taking such action we always obtain the clients’ consent.